Monday, January 2, 2012

Day one down...

Well, last day at home on 'vacation', that wasn't really a vacation since I had all the kids for the week. I love them all to death, but sometime I would really just love a break. The baby is so good most of the time, but she has just started getting way more whiny and much more of a challenge. I am really looking forward to bringing her back to daycare tomorrow.

I did manage to eat paleo all day, but I could really use a glass of wine right about now. I didn't really get any time for me... hmmm, so why the name of the blog right? I really don't anticipate getting much more time for me, but I'm trying to do the eating correctly. I made crock pot paleo chili which I did manage to make all of the boys eat. I had a good breakfast and lunch today... but really, the drinking part is the hardest.

I have had two cups of green tea and water today. I usually have soda, which this change will be good for me, and it was fairly hard to avoid that today.

tomorrow brings its own challenges with it... can I get to the gym? Do I let Rich get the kids? What do I make for dinner? lunch? or even snacks?


Sunday, January 1, 2012

the year of me

So.... I'm not planning on telling my friends or family about this blog....

This blog is mostly for me... a place for me to put myself first and to share my thoughts about trying to put myself first.

As a working mom to 4 kids, and a wife to an athlete, I really don't get much time for myself. I am also an athlete and know that if I don't exercise in some way, I get overweight.

And this is where I am today... overweight, unhappy with how I look, and incredibly busy trying to put in all my hours at work and support my kids in all that they do.

I love my family to death and usually put them first in most anything.... but i also know that if I want to be happy with myself I need to make time for me... which i just don't know how to do. I don't want to take time away from my husband or kids... i will always choose to give htem what they want or need over what I want or need, but I also know that i need to be good to myself...

can anyone say catch 22?

So, this blog will be about how I try to put myself first in the midst of a very busy home life. Mostly I really just expect this to be a place for me to say the things that I wouldn't say outloud in real life.m

If someone actually finds this blog, congrats!